DESCRIPTION * You can buy this doll just a nude doll. * Nude doll($629) includes: head,eyes and body without face up and body blushing. * The nude helmet can be sold separately, it values $79. The nude high heels can be sold separately, it values $60
DEFAULT BODY default body is Y-body-04-2, However, Evangeline-As head can also fit Y-Body-02,Y-Body-03,Y-Body-05.
SIZE Height (including head+high heels): 67.5cm Height (including head):66cm Head size: 20cm Neck size: 7cm Shoulder width: 10.5cm Arm length: 29cm Chest size:27cm Waist size: 16.5cm Hip size:27.5cm Leg length: 38cm Thigh size: 16.5cm Foot length:8.5cm Foot width:4cm